Steine der Scham I+II | seit 2002

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Steine der Scham Steine der Scham Steine der Scham
Since 2001 I’m working in an interview project about Austrian Jewish Emigrants, who had to flee from the National Socialists in 1938/39. Their life-stories, most of them affected me very much, are like a nightmare. To digest these stories I developed the idea for the photo project.
I collect stones all over the world at the one hand as a symbol that Jewish emigrants fled from the National Socialists all over the world. And also because in Jewish faith stones have an important signification, they are symbols of remembrance and memory. At the cemetery you put on the grave a stone from native land. This is the sign that you haven’t forgotten the dead person. On the other hand “Scham” in the German language has two significations one is shame and disgrace the other describes the part of the body of a women between the groin and the pudenda.